• Slideshow Widget

    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Let's face it, looking smashing in photos is more than just the camera and the background. 

    Before portrait sessions, one of the most common concerns I get from my clients is their fear about not looking their best. Legit right? Who wants to go and spend $ on photos and then worry about not looking their best? 

    A while back I started a Pinterest board so I can provide a "What To Wear Guide." Mom's love the ideas to help coordinate - not just their outfit - but everyone's. Because you KNOW Dad isn't picking out the little one's shirts and shoes. And they don't want to show up looking like the catering staff from their wedding. 

    Now I'll be adding more pins for bride's to be as well! A little splash of fashion sense for her, and maybe a few here and there for him! 

    Not only that, but I've decided to take it a step further and keep up a collection of makeup tips, and wear your hair guide as well! 

    So let's get started! You can find the board HERE!

    Yea, I wouldn't mind looking like her in my photos either...

    Find the tips to her look here

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